3 Best Private Medical Colleges in KPK

Best Private Medical Colleges in KPK
Best Private Medical Colleges in KPK

There are 16 medical and dental colleges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. Among them 10 are medical and 6 are dental colleges. The colleges are located in different cities of KPK. Most of them are in capital city Peshawar.

Including studies there are a lot of other parameters as well based on which we can find out the best private medical colleges in KPK i-e Location, Building, Hostel Facilities, Consultancy, Transport etc.

Since Private Medical Colleges charges huge fees, so they have good enough funds to update the facilities. Which not all, but some of them are utilizing very well.

Best Private Medical Colleges in KPK

According to our analysis based on Merit Ranking in Centralize admission for 2018 and 2019, Professional exams results, student’s satisfaction, facilities and jobs, the following colleges are 3 best Private Medical Colleges in KPK.

  1. Rehman Medical College, Peshawar
  2. Peshawar Medical College, Peshawar
  3. North West School of Medicine, Peshawar

Since all these colleges are in Peshawar, so students through out the province apply to these colleges and compete for admission.

1) Rehman Medical College, Peshawar

Rehman Medical College, Peshawar is affiliated with Khyber Medical University – KMU. It is part of Rehman Medical Institute. RMI provides full-fledged health facility provider in KPK. It has medical, dental, and allied health sciences colleges as well as hospital with high caliber clinicians.

RMC is considered one of the Best Private Medical College in Pakistan, especially in KPK. It falls top in merit list of centralize admissions through out the Province, for last couple of years. RMC compete best government medical colleges in Professional exam results.

The best thing about RMC is, it has high job rates. The students get jobs in well known institutes through out the country as well as in foreign.

2) Peshawar Medical College, Peshawar

Peshawar Medical College started working in 2006. It is affiliated with Ripah International University, Islamabad.  It is the first ever educational project of PRIME foundation. Peshawar Medical College stood 2nd in merit list in centralization admission in 2018 and 2019 under Khyber Medical University – KMU.

PMC is considered one among the best Private Medical Colleges in KPK. 3 different hospitals are attached with Peshawar Medical College, that is why their students are considered good in clinical subjects.

3) North West School of Medicine, Peshawar

North West School of Medicine is in Phase 5, Hayatabad, Peshawar. It is affiliated with Khyber Medical University.  NWSM is started in 2016. Although it is very new college, not even a single batch is graduated so far (will be graduated in current session 2021), but it has improved in very short time.

NWSM provide best high standard facilities to their students. It stood 3rd in Centralize admissions of 2018 and 2019 under KMU. Even it has been seen that students prefer NWSM over lower merit public sector medical colleges, despite high fees.