KMU Aggregate Calculator MBBS/BDS 2022

KMU Aggregate Calculator

If you want to find your merit aggregate for upcoming admissions 2022, you are at the right place. Using KMU Aggregate Calculator you can calculate your aggregate for MBBS/BDS Admissions in Khyber Medical University.

As per PMC Admissions Regulations, National Medical & Dental Colleges Admissions Test (NMDCAT) is compulsory for admission in MBBS/BDS through out the country.

Candidate not only need to appear in NMDCAT, but have to pass it as well, in order to become eligible for admission in MBBS/BDS in both Public and Private Medical Colleges in Pakistan.

According to PMC Admission Regulations at least 50% of weightage must be given to NMDCAT in admissions. The rest of 50% will be decided by provincial govt.

KMU Aggregate Formula

  • Matric or Equivalent Weightage: 10%
  • FSc/HSSC or Equivalent Weightage: 40%
  • NMDCAT Test Weightage: 50%

  • Marks obtained in Matric or Equivalent divide by total marks and multiply by 10 => (Matric Obt/Matric Total) x 10
  • Marks obtained in HSSC or Equivalent divide by total marks and multiply by 50 => (FSc Obt/FSc Total) x 40
  • Marks obtained in NMDCAT divide by 200 and multiply by 50 => (NMDCAT Marks/200) x 50
  • Add value from point 1, point 2 and point 3.

KMU Aggregate Calculator

Use the below calculator to find your aggregate for admission in KMU MBBS/BDS 2021.

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