Placement list of HEC Reserved seats for FATA and Balochistan in Medical and Dental Colleges of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is received to admission section of Khyber Medical University.
List of 85 candidates from Higher Education Commission under the project titled “Provision of Higher Education Opportunities for Students of
Balochistan & FATA (Phase-II)” is prepared by HEC and sent for placement to Khyber Medical University, Peshawar.
The list is prepared from “HEC Reserved Seats for Fata and Balochistan Merit List 2019” which include 66 candidates selected for MBBS while 19 candidates are selected for BDS in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical and Dental Colleges.
The selected candidates are requested to report Khyber Medical University and collect their offer letters for admission.
Candidates should follow the SOP’s issued by government for current pandemic COVID-19 i-e wear masks and observe social distancing.